Hacking some Websites are just a Piece of Cake !

2 min readSep 13, 2020

So here I am going to disclose how I hacked some website within 5 mins !

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Before that, Lets learn some SQL!

Lets Say there is Database X which consists a table Y with Login credentials.

So now the code for selecting user after entering username and password will be

SELECT * FROM Y WHERE username=<username> and password=<password>;

Now lets Get into it !

Say the website URL is www.asdfgh.com. I used directory search tool so that I can find all the directories with certain commonly used word list.

And there was “/admin” dir for that website i.e www.asdfgh.com/admin.

That’s cool, But I don’t know the admin username and password :(

So first step to do with login system is try sqli :)

Boom it worked !

So what did I do ?

The SQL command for selecting user is SELECT * FROM Y WHERE username=<username> and password=<password>; so now how sqli works is I will give some input such that the above command will become true for any username :)

Let’s Understand how it worked !

So when I give username as xyz and password as 1'or’1'=’1 lets see how the SQL command changes..

SELECT * FROM Y WHERE username=’xyz’ and password=’1'or’1'=’1' ;

Take a closer look

username=’xyz’ and password= ’1' or ’1' = ’1'

so either first statement username and password should be true or the second statement 1=1 should be true and we know that 0 or 1 is 1 so now the login is bypassed :)

Why did this happen and how to prevent this ?

Never trust user inputs. Always sanitize the user inputs before performing database operations.

Note: Getting into admin page always doesn’t mean that you will get full access to the website or server. In my case I got full access to the website contents management page only.




Dev Dominus | Cyber security | Software Engineer